September 9, 2019 | DeAnna Houston
Before my twins were born created three playlists for the hospital. The first playlist contains upbeat music, the second one is calming and meditative songs, and the third one is powerful uplifting songs. I tend to over-prepare and wasn't sure if I wasted my time creating all three, but I found each of these playlists useful during the different stages of my labor.
Also, check out the bottom for a quick reference on the stages of labor.
1) "Delivery - Those good beats"
This playlist is perfect when you want to jam. This one is filled with those feel good kind of beats - mostly reggae and music that makes you want sway. I used this during the early and active stages of labor.
2) "Delivery - Calm it girl"
When things are getting intense or you need to relax this playlist will help. Personally I used this one before I got the epidural and when I was getting closer to pushing (10cm dialated). This one did help me mellow out before and during the epidural.
3) "Delivery - You got this"
When you are pushing or need some strength, this is your playlist! It contains powerful girl jams that makes you proud to be a woman! The hospital nurses said they loved this playlist one too!
For more playlists follow me on Spotify!
username: deanna.houston